Dengue Awareness Workshop: Connecting Communities
As dengue season approached in India, DNDi India Foundation partnered with the Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Gorakhpur to organize a workshop titled ‘Dengue Jagrukta Karyashala: Samuhik Bhagidari, Sabki Jimmewari’ on 28 March 2024 in Gorakhpur – bringing together front-line health workers, medical fraternity and community representatives. The workshop aimed to emphasize the importance of community engagement in addressing the significant challenge of dengue in India. Participants discussed awareness levels, community needs, and demands from government decision-makers. Topics included vector bite prevention, disease manifestation awareness, and actions to take for suspected dengue cases. Dr. Rajinikant Srivastava, Former Director, RMRC said, “There is no cure for dengue. Only symptomatic treatment is possible. Timely identification of possible dengue and medical intervention plays an important role in saving a patient’s life.”
Dr. BN Nagpal, a vector borne expert told the participants, ‘’Transmitted by female mosquitoes, dengue thrives in stagnant water. It is marked by high fever and achy joints. In severe cases, expect a racing pulse, recurring fever, and dangerously low platelet counts below ten thousand.”
Live Demonstration of Life Cycle of Dengue Mosquito – During the workshop, a live demonstration of the mosquito life cycle was conducted to provide participants with a better understanding of the breeding process and control measures. The demonstration showcased the stages of the mosquito life cycle, including eggs, larvae (1st to 4th instar), pupae, and adults. Participants observed eggs in petri dishes on moist whatman paper, larvae and pupae in water-filled bowls covered with net cloth, and adults in mosquito cages. Larvivorous fishes such as guppy and gambusia, known for eating mosquito larvae, were also showcased to the participants. Nearly 100 participants attended, including community leaders, villagers, PHC staff, RMRC experts, DNDi representatives, and school students with teachers. Key takeaways focused on leveraging community engagement to enhance outcomes and solutions for dengue. Effective partnerships and community ownership are critical for improving information dissemination, awareness, and service access.